May 30, 2023

What Low Dose Naltrexone Is and What It's Not

We hear plenty of stories about how a certain medication changed life for the better for our patients here at North Century Pharmacy! The most common answer we receive when asking which medication helped the patient show remarkable improvement is low dose naltrexone! Low dose naltrexone is a safe, non-toxic and inexpensive drug that is used in several different ways.

What Low Dose Naltrexone Is and What It's Not

We hear plenty of stories about how a certain medication changed life for the better for our patients here at North Century Pharmacy! The most common answer we receive when asking which medication helped the patient show remarkable improvement is low dose naltrexone! Low dose naltrexone is a safe, non-toxic and inexpensive drug that is used in several different ways. A low dose is used to treat a variety of conditions ranging from pain and a dysfunctional immune system, to inflammation, cancer, and mental health issues. Here we explore what low dose naltrexone is and what it’s not:

Is: An Anti-Opioid / Not: A Narcotic or Controlled Substance

Low dose naltrexone is an opiate receptor antagonist, meaning it works by blocking the activation of opioid receptors. It is NOT a narcotic or controlled substance. Low dose naltrexone is actually an anti-opioid because it can be used to help patients get off of opioids. This pure antagonist blocks the effects of pharmaceutical opioids.

Is: Affordable / Not: Expensive

One of the best parts of low dose naltrexone is just how affordable it is here at North Century Pharmacy! For under a dollar a day, you can hop on a standard dosage of low dose naltrexone and start seeing improvement in your condition! Because the regular dosage of low dose naltrexone is low, many patients find it to be a cost effective solution.

Is: OK For Long-Term Use / Not: Habit Forming

Low dose naltrexone is completely safe to stay on for a long period of time. In fact, we have many patients who are currently on low dose naltrexone for an extended period and have achieved incredible results! Because low dose naltrexone is not an opioid, it is not habit forming. You don’t have to worry about becoming dependent on this drug.

Is: Used to Treat Over 200 Conditions / Not: Only For Addicts

For years naltrexone was mainly used to treat patients with opioid addiction. In recent years, doctors and patients have found success in treating a variety of conditions with low dose naltrexone. Low dose naltrexone is now used to treat over 200 conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, lupus, irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, thyroid disorders, depression, cancer, allergies and asthma.

Is: Well Tolerated / Not: Hard on the Body

Many patients find they experience few or no symptoms when on low dose naltrexone! The side effects that folks do experience tend to be minor and similar to those from many other drugs. Sleep disturbances, gastrointestinal disturbances and headaches are the most common side effects of low dose naltrexone. These tend to disappear within a couple weeks of starting low dose naltrexone.

Is: Been Around a Long Time / Not: Experimental

Naltrexone was first approved by the Food & Drug Administration decades ago! Because this drug has been around for several decades, we have a solid understanding of how it works. Low dose naltrexone was first introduced in 1985 and has been safely providing patients with relief ever since!

You’re all up to speed on what low dose naltrexone is and what it’s not! Are you interested in learning if low dose naltrexone could be a solution for you? Learn more about the telehealth services offered at North Century Pharmacy!