October 12, 2022

What is Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)?

Are you searching for an alternative solution to manage your chronic condition? Low dose naltrexone (LDN) may be the answer. We want to talk about what LDN is and how it may be able to help you because efficacy has been demonstrated in over 200 conditions!

What is Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)?

Are you searching for an alternative solution to manage your chronic condition? Low dose naltrexone (LDN) may be the answer. This medication has been around since the FDA first approved it decades ago, but its use has changed over the years. We want to talk about what LDN is and how it may be able to help you because efficacy has been demonstrated in over 200 conditions!

Head to our YouTube to watch us explain, or keep reading for more information!

What is low dose naltrexone?

Naltrexone is a medication that was originally prescribed to treat opioid addictions. In more recent years, it has been used off-label at low doses to help people with pain, inflammation, mental health issues, dysfunctional immune systems, and more.

Instead of using the original 50 to 100 milligram dosage, doctors are prescribing low doses or ultra low doses because these amounts have been discovered to work better for pain relief and the other conditions mentioned above.

How does it work?

Low dose naltrexone works by temporarily binding to and blocking a mechanism called the MU receptor. This receptor is related to pain, and by blocking the receptor, our body is told that it isn’t producing enough endorphins (natural pain relievers). Then these are produced.

Is it safe?

Since the dose is so much lower than the commercially available, FDA-approved 50 milligram version, it is considered safe. It’s not controlled, and it’s non-habit forming.

When will I see results?

Every medication works differently with every person. Dr. Easton Bryant, our pharmacist, explains, “I tell my patients that if they want to take it, they need to commit for at least 90 days.” Since this medication is used for a wide variety of conditions, the time it takes to be most effective is a wide range. It could be a few days, or it could take several months.

What are the side effects?

Side effects that are possible when taking low dose naltrexone include GI disturbances, sleep disturbances, and sometimes headaches. Some people experience these side effects, while some people don’t. If someone does get these side effects, they typically go away in a couple of weeks. If the side effects are unbearable, you do have the option to restart at a lower dose.

Is there any trial data?

Typically, Big Pharma won’t put money into researching lower doses of a drug that’s already approved because studies are expensive. If you’re curious about data on this medication, check out https://ldnresearchtrust.org/.

Who shouldn’t take LDN?

If you’re on opioids, you can only take LDN under close medical supervision. And ultimately an ultra low dose version will work best for these people. Anyone who is on this drug should discontinue its use a few days prior to a procedure.

Now you know a little bit more about low dose naltrexone. Hopefully you got your questions answered, and you feel better about trying this drug for your condition. If you still have questions, please feel free to reach out to us directly!